Christmas came early for me! It was a National Parks tour annual pass from my hubby. I have always wanted to take this tour for the longest time and I always thought we would do this during the summer, but we went during Christmas and it was so fun and absolutely breathtaking. Only our God could create something so magnificent and we are so fortunate to be able to enjoy His handiwork.
Our first two days we hiked Zion National Park. We climbed Angels Landing and hiked Emerald Pools, both involved going behind and under numerous waterfalls. We were soaked through and through but enjoyed every minute of it. So we hiked 7.5 miles the 1.5 days we were there.
Next we went to Bryce National Park. This is when it got really started snowing! We were at a higher elevation looking at the Hoodoos and the snow was quite heavy. Then we walked to lower elevation and no snow, just lots of mud. We decided to hike down to the canyon and look up at the Hoodoos! I'm so glad we did that, it was so much fun! We only hiked two miles that day.
Then we went to Arches National Park. My dream was to hike up to the famous Delicate Arch and we got to do that, plus three other arches. We hiked 6.6 miles that day.
We then spent the next two days in Moab, my favorite place, just enjoying the city and a little off-roading.
Next we drove to the Grand Canyon. We've gone a couple times during the summer, so going during the winter was a new experience and it was so pretty to see the snow.
We made it home on Christmas Eve and we drove 1,685 miles and hiked 15.6 miles. My little man was such a trooper. He is such a great traveler, always has been. Never complained in the car, kind of hard to when you're the only one in the back seat :) He loves to hike and just seemed to really enjoy getting wet and making snow balls.